Monday, September 23, 2013

So I totally suck at blogging!!

Well I wont be sitting on Chelsea Handlers couch anytime soon discussing the hilarity's of my mommy blog because i totally and completely dropped the blogging ball! !@$#$%$^ It all started with the want I had for my son to be walking and completely mobile, and with that comes little time to sit down and blog away the newest deets of our now growing family (: that's right this momma is knocked up again with baby numero DOS! And since I have waited so long to update my blog I can already tell you that baby number 2 is a boy, Roman Alexander Hagopjan to be exact! We are over the moon sunshine out of our asses happy about it. This will be our last child as I am getting my tubes tied after little RO is born via c-section. So I'm cherishing all the preggo moments while they last but having a 15 month old to chase around is really making it fly by fast! Already in my 5th month and happy to say i have gained 1 lbs so far, if you know how huge i got with the first you'd be happy for me too! Roman is healthy as can be and so if the pregnancy. As i mentioned previously Bubbas is now 15 months old, we celebrated his 1st birthday the weekend of june 20th.

Our little man is growing up so fast!! He's walking/running all over the place now and trying to talk up a storm! So far his vocabulary consists of: Mama, Dada, Baba, Georgia, Dog, No, Hi, Hello, Bye, Bray bray, Char Char, 1-2-3, Grandma. He tries to repeat almost every word he's hearing so mommy and daddy are working on cleaning up the potty mouths! He loves music and dancing, Dirt bikes, and trucks. He's definitely a little smart man that loves to make people laugh. He is a very social and happy kid.